Pizza + wine = pure joy.

October 06, 2020

Pizza + wine = pure joy.

A steaming hot pizza paired with the right bottle of wine is one of life’s simple pleasures.  Pizza is a complete meal featuring nearly all the major food groups, it can be simple or highly creative.  Pizza is communal and brings people together as does wine.  All of this can be raised to a new level when paired together and it’s pretty easy.  

Considering pizza is simple, unpretentious, and universally loved, some of the best wines to pair with it are every-day Italian table wines.  These wines tend to be low-tannin, bright, and savory-fruited and usually easy on the wallet.  Big, tannic, or structured wines (California Cabernet, Zinfandel, Bordeaux, or even Brunello) can come across as overpowering with pizza and should be saved for another meal.  Everyday Italian reds such as Barbera, Dolcetto, Chianti, or a Montepulciano Rosso work great as they pair well with tomatoes, feature dark and savory fruit, and some earth notes.  Think mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms,  and onion to name a few.  Want to be adventurous?  Try a fruity Lambrusco with pizza, the bubbles add a refreshing component and work great. These wines are flexible enough to work with a veggie pizza or pesto. 

We eat a lot of pizza in our house and love to experiment with pizza and wine pairings.  We’ve come up with a great list.  When pizza night comes up at your house, be sure to have some tasty wines ready so you too can experience the pure joy of wine and pizza.  

Click here to go to our Pizza Wine collection.


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